Este es el mensaje de los administradores de Bitsoup (tracker privado de torrents, MUY bueno, mucha velocidad, novedades constantes)
dijo:Breaking in 2008
With a whole new Bitsoup year ahead of us again and a few weeks of
upgrading and tweaking left in history again, we felt it was time
we made us some new friends around here.
Seeing we know that you all already have friends out there, and quite
a few of them have tried but have not been able to be part of our
community yet, this will be your opportunity to have them join you
and us here on Bitsoup.
Tonight at Midnight, by site time, we will once again open
the Bitsoup doors and allow new members to join us.
Availability will be limited.
Only 5000 new members will be allowed to sign up.
Sign-up will be open to everyone, but this should give all of you, our
current community members, a chance to inform anyone you wish to bring
here ahead of time.
Para los que no cazan una de inglés, basicamente, está abierto el registro, hay 5000 lugares, asi que apuren, todavía esta abierto.
El registro se cierra una vez que se llene es cupo, obviamente.
El sitio es, y exactamente, el formulario de ingreso es este
Saludos a todos.